Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cousins in Scale

Haha Drake looks like a little porker :)
Dean, Drake, Ava.. cousins having fun.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


" I can lift my head!"
 "I got long lashes!"
"I love grabbing my feets!"

Modeling Shoots 1

Mom took these for a photo contest. Beginning of his modeling career.
 Sleeping in robe after spa.
 Cute candid. He has been laughing allot lately. He often gets loopy when tired and laughs uncontrollably at everything you do while nodding off. Sooo cute.

Harley Diaperson

Mommy holding Drake in his new stylish limited edition Harley Davidson Jean Diapers. Because that's what his farts sound like. Thanks, Aunty Sandy, for the diapers!

First Chocolate Cake

I thought, "What better first food than Gerber chocolate cake?!" He had a sugar rush and sugar crash nap. JK. It was plum baby food. He likes Banana, Plum and Squash. He doesnt like Peas at all, and Peach seems too strong for him right now. His lips look like Hussar lips.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Baby Smile Collage and Funny Pic

 Here is a bunch of pics since he has been smiling. He has also been laughing lately. Below is a funny expression captured by Uncle Joseph.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Announcements On The Way!

So we designed the announcements from scratch ourselves. Mamma took this picture and chose the style/colors and I executed, but the announcements are super late because the printer totally screwed up the prints.... they came back sooo dark that they are unsendable. Got refund and resubmitted. Crossing fingers. Apologies for everyone waiting for one.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Aunty Linda and Drake Instagramed

The Baby in Black

Raised on Breastmilk and Johnny Cash.

Drakes First Dr. Visit

The evil dog and lamb made him cry.

300 Workout

We put Drakes flabby baby fat butt on the '300 workout' as soon as he got home, made famous by the '300' movie by Zach Snyder. He took to it like a boss. Can't get enough.

Sir Drakes First Photoshoot

Its all about the accessories.

Baby Drakes' First Pictures

First out day breathing earths atmosphere
1. Baby and proud Mom chillin'.
2. First solo pic 
3. Baby and daddy tired as hell
4. Baby getting superpowers and getting away the jaundice.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Light Saber Fight!

Prenatal light saber fight near the christmas tree with the manchild. Christmas 2011. Sorry for the blurry take... First pic with the new $450 camera.